# InsightHolistic approach
Matthias Dolder­er keeps his Zivko Edge 540 V3 aer­o­bat­ic air­craft on course with exem­plary pre­ci­sion and con­cen­tra­tion. This Ger­man pilot was the Red Bull Air Race world cham­pi­on in 2016. His expert maneu­vers in aer­i­al con­tests ben­e­fit from com­po­sure and 360-degree awareness—qualities also essen­tial for han­dling crises.
# SpectrumDaring foresight
British sailor Will Har­ris defies the power of nature on high-tech rac­ing yachts. His sights are set on a momen­tous soli­tary challenge—the Vendée Globe, an unpar­al­leled sin­gle-hand­ed non-stop regat­ta of 24,000 nau­ti­cal miles around the world. Endurance, ana­lyt­i­cal acu­men, and pre­scient action are as impor­tant to his sur­vival as they are to busi­ness lead­ers.
# OpportunitySharp resolution
Belief in a bet­ter future dri­ves Amer­i­can marine biol­o­gist and pro­fes­sion­al diver Jes­si­ca Cramp’s efforts to pre­serve the world’s ocean habi­tats. Find­ing ways out of dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tions and seiz­ing even small oppor­tu­ni­ties are often a mat­ter of the right mindset—in busi­ness con­texts as well.
# VisionClear focus
View­ing Earth from space was an eye-open­er for Ger­man astro­naut Alexan­der Gerst. He inspires research and con­veys a con­vinc­ing mes­sage: we have just one home plan­et, which needs to remain liv­able. Stead­fast pur­suit of the key goal—this prin­ci­ple also guides strong lead­er­ship per­son­nel.